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Singer, songwriter, educator and lyricist. genre: blues, pop, slow rock and reggae. I play both guitar and piano.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021




 This song is another of my latest composition. It is called "Innocence." I chose this title for the song because it is non-controversial and is a metaphor in itself. The lyrics of the song are also underlying metaphors that speak to some of the problems in today's society. The song is similar to Bob Marley's "Redemption Songs" such as in the genre/ style and context in which it is written. Further, it is also similar to that song regarding how the lyrics through a number metaphors underscore oppression of 'some', in the human race. The lyrics can be adopted to the struggles of women today, especially, in how they are being denied control over their own bodies, as in Row v. Wade. The lyrics can also speak to our democracy, which I consider to be in dire straits today. Anyway, #Innocence It is available at Apple music, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and all other digital music platforms.

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